30 March 2009

Life is short - Beautiful Lesson‏

The girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick, she is 21 . Next to her, her fiancé, Nick, 23. The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on 11 Jan. 2005 in the US . Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication. In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of chemo to end.

In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss

An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that katie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well. The other couple in the picture are Nick's parents. Excited to see their son marrying his high school sweetheart.

Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube, listening to a song from her husband and friends

At the reception, katie had to take a few rests. The pain did not allow her to stand for long periods

Katie died five days after her wedding day.

Watching a woman so ill and weak getting married and with a smile

on her face makes us think..... Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it lasts .

We should stop making our lives complicated.

Life is short

Break the rules

forgive quickly

kiss passionately, love truly

laugh constantly

And never stop smiling

no matter how strange life is

Life is not always the party we expected to be

but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful.

19 March 2009

Berhati-hati produk minuman ringan keluaran Yeo Hiap Seng

E-mail dari seorang teman untuk di kongsi bersama

Salam semua. Kali ini saya nak sentuh ttg minuman ringan keluaran Yeo Hiap Seng, jenama salah satu pembekal minuman ringan yg tak asing lagi di rantau ini khususnya Singapura dan Malaysia.

Pernahkah anda dengar ttg keluaran produk minuman YHS yg terkini, khususnya minuman kacang soya fusion dgn kacang hijau? Jika anda di Singapura, harap2 baca dulu ya, bahan-bahan yg terkandung dalam minuman ini.

Semasa saya ke salah sebuah pasaraya tempatan, terpandang saya ke arah minuman ini yg saya fikir adalah salah satu lagi keluaran terbaru YHS. Iyerlah, apalah bahan yg nak dibubuh dlm minumankan? So I pick up one and brought to office. Tapi, bila saya baca ingredients nya.....

Apa kejadah ni? Dah takde lagi ke sumber yg baik, yg murni, darimana pihak pengeluar nak dapatkan bahan atau sumber utk membuat produk minuman mereka???? Tidakkah mereka peka dgn pengguna2 Islam yg sememangnya ramai telah terbiasa dgn minuman yg mereka bekalkan atas jenama YHS???

Belek punya belek.....hah, patutlah. Minuman ni diperbuat di...... di negara yg dah mmg tersohor bubuh melamine dalam susu!!

-Sharing Is Caring-
Nota: E471 boleh dihasilkan dari 2 sumber iaitu tumbuhan atau pun haiwan. Bukan semestinya semua E471 adalah haram, perlu dikenalpasti dahulu bahan asas yang digunakan! untuk menghasilkan E471 itu terlebih dahulu. Sekiranya bahan asasnya adalah tumbuhan, E471 itu adalah halal.

16 March 2009

Fight for food

02 March 2009

The great ice-cream robbery

Like all air raids, it required meticulous planning, precision flying and a great deal of confidence.

First the herring gull selected its vantage point near to the seafront kiosks selling ices and fast food.

Patiently it waited on a wall for the right victim to stroll along.

At last, a tourist arrived, ice-cream cone held at the perfect angle, blissfully unaware that the food snatcher of St Ives was about to strike.

It was all over in less than a second.

http://www.emailcashpro.com http://recipes.wuzzle.org/images/whban.jpg


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